Sale Price Calculator

Calculate sale price from the original selling price and discount percentage

Use this sale price calculator to calculate the sale price from the original selling price and discount percentage.

Enter the original selling price and discount percentage, click the "Calculate" button.

Use the percentage discount calculator to calculate the discount amount and percentage from the original selling price and actual selling price.

Check also: Find the original price calculator

Calculate sale price without a sale price calculator

You can calculate the sale price and discount amount without a sales price calculator using the formulas below:

The formula to calculate the discount amount is as follows:

Discount Amount = Original Selling Price * Discount Percentage / 100

The formula to calculate the sale price is as follows:

Sale Price = Original Selling Price * (1 - Discount Percentage / 100)

The original selling price is 100, and the discount percentage is 10%.
The sale price can be calculated as follows:

Sale price = 100 * (1 - 10 / 100) = 90

The discount amount can be calculated as follows:

Discount Amount = Original Selling Price - Sale Price = 100 - 90 = 10


Discount Amount = Original Selling Price * Discount Percentage / 100 = 100 * 10 / 100 = 10