Percentage Increase Calculator

Calculate percentage increase between two numbers

Use this percentage increase calculator to calculate the percentage increase between two numbers.

To find the percentage decrease, use the percentage decrease calculator.

How to find the percentage increase between two numbers

To find the percentage increase, you can use the following formula:

Percentage Increase = (End Value - Start Value) / Start Value * 100

Here is an example:
Start Value = 120, End Value = 150, the percentage increase between two numbers 120 and 150 is as follows:

Percentage increase = (150 - 120)/120 * 100 = 25%

Another example:
Start Value = 1800 and End Value 2300.
To find the percentage increase between two numbers, 1800 and 2300, use the following formula:

Percentage increase = (2300 - 1800)/1800 * 100 = 27.78%

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